Birding and the Calm it Offers


The Malagos Garden Resort is opening our doors very soon! Known as one of the well loved Davao nature resorts, we are also the place to be if you are wondering where to stay for birdwatching here in Davao. Anyone who birds a favorite park over and over knows intuitively why they keep going back: it simply feels good. Being in nature—pausing in it, sitting with it, discovering its wonders—brings a sense of calm and renewal. To know more about our Davao Birdwatching resort activity, here are some healing effects it gives to everybody:

Patience. This is not a hobby for those who want instant gratification. Bird watching requires plenty of study to get familiarized with types of birds and where they are found, then time to travel to that location, then hours of waiting to catch a glimpse of a bird. Plenty of situations in the real world call for us to be patient and bird watchers are better equipped to cope with these circumstances. It is a time to absorb everything around you. While you wait for a bird to come to you, make sure to pause and breathe for a while. Appreciate what is around you and marvel of  how nature can easily teach you so many lessons in one sitting. This is, no doubt, one of the things you’d be able to experience when birding in the resort. 


Time for calmness. Recent studies suggest that spending time around nature can be a great way to combat stress and relax. Birdwatching can be a very meditative activity, and often provides those taking part with the opportunity to spend a time in a quiet place without any distractions.Additionally, for those living with dementia, getting out and experiencing the nature around them has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Bird watching gives you the chance to pause and breathe for a while. Here’s a pro tip for you: the birds in Malagos Garden Resort are mostly near the creek. So you can easily find a rock to sit on and rest while you watch them fly around without a care in the world. 

Connecting with nature. Spending time in nature can have some incredibly positive effects on our mental health, but the different sights, colours, smells and sounds found outside can all help occupy the mind, and help provide a fantastic distraction for those living with dementia. Getting outdoors and hearing birdsong, for example, can also help people recall memories from younger years, and connecting with nature can be an invaluable reminiscence activity. It is a time to remember simpler times in life. 


Birdwatching or birding as some fondly call it, is an act of continuous learning. It gives you the chance to explore and know more about the birds dwelling around us. Finding by chance a beautiful Southern Silvery Kingfisher perched on a fallen branch, is one thing. Watching it as it also looks back at you is another. If you are ready to experience all the ways birding can change your life, make sure to book your stay with Malagos Garden Resort soon. We are opening our doors on the 18th and we cannot wait to welcome you again! To celebrate this, we are brewing exciting discounts and promos so make sure to sign up on our newsletter at See you very soon!